Ive been thinking about all the different changes 2011 has brought us. One of my favorite change has to be completely changing careers. Going from working in Early Childhood to working with people who are experiencing homelessness has been great for my soul. I'm learning so much about life and about people in general. Especially people in crisis and individuals who suffer from mental illness. I work 3 days and am off for 4. I love that I'm home so much more. I so enjoy the unique spirits I work with. I'm so glad I learned the lessons I needed to at my last job in order for me to move on to something bigger. (Maybe someday I'll write about all the super, great lessons I learned...lol.)
Today I pulled out some beads and showed Kael how to make a necklace with lanyard and beads. He loves art time.
What a cute video, I LOVE it! =) He is so adorable!!! xoxo