Monday, January 16, 2012


This morning I was greeted at my mom’s office with my mother looking me up and down. A look I have seen before but not since I was a teenager. The look like, I know what you did last night.

Mom: “So, I was reading your horoscope for 2012.”
Me: “Ya?”
Mom: “And it said, there is a baby coming this year. “
Me: “What?”
Mom: “Do you have something you want to tell me?”
Me: “Are you high?”
Mom: “Well, I’m just checking because your horoscope says baby. “
Me: “That’s great that your Reader’s Digest 2012 Horoscope Edition says baby for Sagittarius this year. But I can tell you it is not gonna happen. “
Mom: “Well, we’ll just see about that.”

The transition from one child to two was brutal. I’ve heard going from two to three is WAY brutal. But then once you have three you might as well have five. Right?
Do we have plans of adding another hapa to the family? Probably. Within the next two years? NO! We are really enjoying having just two children. And we are going to just enjoy the two for a while. Thanks for asking.


  1. Yeah I guess I had the idea 3 have . Love that your mom said that... Be extra careful this year I guess ;)

  2. Ummmm, I am a Sagittarius...and I assure you there will be no babies this year!!!
